Organized Meetings
- • Organized Membrane Bound Protein and Ligand Docking Workshop, Sabanci University, September 19-20, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
- • Served on the Programme Commitee and the Scientific Advisory Board of the 7th International Symposium on Health Informatics and Bioinformatics (HIBIT), April 19-22, 2012, Cappadocia, Nevşehir, Turkey.
- • Organized JADE Project Turkey Workshop, November 14-18, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey.
- • Organized Molecular Dynamics Workshop II, TOBB ETU, September 12-14, 2011, Ankara, Turkey.
- • Served on the Programme Committee of the 6th International Symposium on Health Informatics and Bioinformatics (HIBIT), May 2-5, 2011, İzmir, Turkey.
- • Organized 2nd Workshop on Computational Modelling of Proteins and Protein-Ligand Interactions
School of Physics, University of Sydney, February 2-4, 2011, Sydney, Australia.
- • Organized PROTIST ’10, Novel Approaches in Protein Engineering, European Science Foundation (ESF) Workshop, April 23-25, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
- • Served on the Programme Committee of the 5th International Symposium on Health Informatics and Bioinformatics (HIBIT), April 20-22, 2010, Antalya, Turkey.
- • Served on the Programme Committee of The European Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning and Data Mining in Bioinformatics (EVOBIO), April 7-9, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
- • Organized Workshop on Computational Modelling of Proteins from ab-initio to coarse-grain methods, School of Physics, University of Sydney, January 27-29, 2010, Sydney, Australia.
- • Organized Molecular Dynamics Workshop, TOBB ETU, 2010, Ankara, Turkey.
- • Organised the 4th International Symposium on Health Informatics and Bioinformatics (HIBIT), April 16-17, 2009, Ankara, Turkey.
- • Served on the Programme Committee of The European Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning and Data Mining in Bioinformatics (EVOBIO), April 15-17, 2009, Tübingen, Germany.
- • Served on the Scientific Committee of International Enzyme Engineering Symposium, October 01-05, 2008, Kuşadası, Aydın, Turkey.
- • Organized the 3rd International Symposium on Health Informatics and Bioinformatics (HIBIT), May 18-20, 2008, Istanbul, Turkey.
- • Organized RNA ’08, Non-Coding RNAs: Computational Challenges and Applications, European Science Foundation (ESF) Workshop, April 28-30, 2008, Antalya, Turkey.
- • Served on the Technical Commitee of IEEE the 16th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2008), April 18-20, 2008, Aydın, Turkey.
- • Served on the Programme Committee of The European Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning and Data Mining in Bioinformatics (EVOBIO), March 26-28, 2008, Naples, Italy.
- • Organized Special Bioinformatics Session in IEEE the 15th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2007), June 11-13, 2007, Eskişehir, Turkey.
- • Organized the 2nd International Symposium on Health Informatics and Bioinformatics (HIBIT), April 30-May 2, 2007, Antalya, Turkey.
- • Served on the Programme Committee of The European Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning and Data Mining in Bioinformatics (EVOBIO), April 11-13, 2007, Valencia, Spain.
- • Served on the Programme Committee of The 21st International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS ’06), November 1-3, 2006, Istanbul, Turkey.
- • Gave a one day course on Applications of Signal Processing Techniques in Bioinformatics in IEEE the 14th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2006), April 17-19, 2006, Antalya, Turkey.
- • Organized the 1st International Symposium on Health Informatics and Bioinformatics (HIBIT), November 10-12, 2005, Antalya, Turkey.
- • Chaired a session in the 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, October 25-28, 2001, Istanbul, Turkey.
- • Organized SESAME Workshop on Bioinformatics and Structural Modeling, September 3-8, 2001, Istanbul, Turkey.
- • Organized Bioinformatics Workshop in the UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education, October 5-9, 1998, Paris, France.